Are you an independent artist or a musician? In this webpage I will show you all the articles you could be interested in to increase your followers on your social media, your listeners in Spotify and much more, all of it made by using musical digital marketing strategies so you can extract the best of it.

Are you still reading? Read all my articles and start seeing all your statistics improving.

Articles in digital marketing for independent artists 2020

✅What is PlaylistPush? 

Playlistpush campaign

PlaylistPush is a platform where independent artists can get in contact with playlists that have lots of followers, is the perfect tool to help you increase your followers.

How to create a webpage for Artists/Musicians?

Are you a musician still without a webpage? In this article I explain how to create your own webpage almost free in only 5 minutes, I mean, for an amusingly low price for hosting and your own domain. What are you waiting for?

How do you place your songs in Spotify’s playlists?

Do you want to know how to get your songs into playlists? And how to get in contact with the curator? In this article I explain you how to do it in a very easy way.

How to improve your artist page in Spotify?

Update your artist’s biography in Spotify and take advantage, I will give you some tips so you can increase your fandom and stand out.

How to create an Instagram for artists or musicians?

Don’t you already have your own artist account in Instagram? Make one by following these easy steps, moreover, optimize it with the hints I will be giving you. Do you know how to put more than one URL in Spotify?

What to upload to Instagram Stories for artists?

Do you want to know what to publish in your stories to improve your engagement and gain more followers on Instagram?

How to become a verified artist in Spotify?

Are you looking for that precious blue tick in Spotify? Learn in this post how in 4 steps you can verify yourself, also you will learn the benefits of having that blue tick.

Independent musicians

The objective of this category is to make independent artists not to rely on very expensive agencies and to explain how to use digital marketing tools so they can develop their own strategies investing a low amount of money and by their own.

In this webpage I will explain you all the tools you can use to carry it out, explained in an easy way to understand even if you don’t have much idea about it, everything with the objective of you learning whatever you may need.

Digital marketing for independent artists

As I have already told you before, you won’t have to worry about the digital marketing strategies because I will explain you how to get them done without problem, and if you had trouble, you could ask me live online. How could you do that? Very easy.

Every week I will make a live video on Instagram so you can ask me, that why I encourage you to follow me on this social media.

Instagram-> Miguel RMS


Marketing for artists and musicians

Who are you and why should I trust you? I am a person who works in digital marketing, specifically in SEO and SEM, but I also like to be updated on all the tools, that is why I like to apply on strategies what I read, focusing only in artists so they can carry them out without relying in a marketing company.

I am going to explain you from the very beginning how to set up your own webpage in 10 minutes for a very low price, even create digital marketing strategies to help you stand out without paying large sums of money, the only thing you will need is a laptop. Do you have one? Then you have already half of the way so far, now go back and read the articles you find more interesting.